Telehealth...Online Therapy

With the New England winter approaching (hopefully not too soon), I wanted to talk about Telehealth. What is Telehealth?

Telehealth, also known as online therapy, is the application of therapeutic counseling via communication networks to include telephone, video or internet. It can be utilized from therapist to client local, nationally and internationally.

Telehealth is beneficial for a variety of reasons.

Online therapy can be of benefit for those that:

  • Have busy class schedules and extracurricular activities
  • Shifting work schedules
  • Travel often
  • Have small children and naptime is long enough for a session
  • Are a caregiver who find it difficult to coordinate care for loved ones just to leave the house for a short time
  • Have medical issues that can complicate getting out of the house
  • Struggle with consistency in their appointments due to certain mental health issues
  • Live out of the state or country and are looking for something specific in their session that they haven't found nearby
  • Want to maintain commitment to the therapeutic process regardless of inclement weather or time constraints

Some of my clients use online therapy on occasion, others use it as a primary tool. I have clients around the world who choose to utilize online therapy as their tool for mental health care.

Within the United States, I currently hold licenses in Massachusetts and Iowa so residents in either of those states can make appointments with me.

Please contact me if you are interested in finding out if your health insurance covers Telehealth sessions. All self-pay clients (those that do not utilize health insurance for sessions) have access to Telehealth sessions which include phone and video. 

Telehealth sessions are accessed via a HIPAA-compliant platform and a release must be signed beforehand specifically for Telehealth.